
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Review: EXO - MAMA

Wow, very blown away by the new ideas in this song! Especially the story in the beginning. The chanting in the beginning was very new *.* never seen that in an MV before. But the dance was very powerful~
I personally liked EXO-M's version better but that's because I'm Taiwanese so I understand it, which automatically means I'll like it better^.^
THANK GOD FOR CHINESE SUBS THOUGH...cause if there weren't any, I would've had no idea what they were singing -.- people mumble in music nowadays. xD

Here's EXO-M's version, they have less views so I'm just trying to help~haha

One thing I noticed, Chen really has a nice, strong voice!

LOL~who is this??? :P


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